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Cubefields is a Minecraft studio with designers and developers from Europe, with the aim to build breathtaking worlds and to educate people of all ages through game-based learning.
At Cubefields, we create unique and inspiring creations, including adventurous maps to explore, challenging mini-games and stylish resourcepacks, all for educational purposes
We provide training and courses for schools, individuals and companies focussing on improving 21st century skills, learning about game design and understanding game development
Minecraft offers the unique possibility to reach a young audience. Cubefields offers events and maps for companies wanting to reach the next generation
When Thomas Bosch (20) was eight years old, he started playing Minecraft.
"I first played on my mobile, with no goal, I just liked it. Then I started playing on the PC, so I got better and better at it, put in a lot of free time to learn programming, coding and making modifications for the game. This gave me opportunities to participate in cool projects within Minecraft.
In the past year, a lot of free time has gone into it, you can compare it a bit to top sport: you have to keep practicing and getting better."
The young Volendammer is considered one of the best builders in the online game Minecraft. He spent years helping to build Greenfields, which is still considered the largest city in Minecraft ever build.
© Cubefields 2024
Spinnekop 2-3
1444 GN Purmerend
The Netherlands
Made by Yara Prins